Konstantinos Tsiakalos

Business Developer / Defence Specialist / IT Senior Manager / Modelling & Simulation Expert / Sales Strategist / Computer Assisted Exercises Senior Expert / Media Editor / Education Systems Developer

A long run as an Army Officer, Business president and director, training systems developer and human resources management describe a strong willing and efficient character. That is me, never giving up, trying hard for achieving value targets.

My attitude towards business was always very proactive, efficient and effective. My organizational and managerial skills are my main advantage and my communication skills come to complete the picture.

I have supported and developed major training and educational systems during the past 20 years for military, social services and early childhood.

My Specialities

Defence Innovation

Modelling & Simulation

Senior IT Management

HR Management

Computer Assisted Exercises

Digital Marketing

Sales Strategy

Visionary Leadership

Business Development

Business Administration

Online Media Editor

Intelligence Analyst


Block Chain / Cryptocurrencies
Defence projects planning
Joint Theatre Level Simulation (JTLS)
NATO Exercise Management Tools
Project management



Education & Jobs

08.2013 - 07.2022

President - Managing Director

MSETT Hellas
01.2018 - 07.2022

Business Developer & President

NGC AS, Stavanger Norway
02.2002 - 09.2011

Technical Director, CAX Developer, Acting Director

Hellenic National Defence General Staff / Modelling & Simulation Center, Athens, Greece
09.2000 - 01.2002

Master Degree in Statistics & Operations Research

Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon Panepistimion Athinon / Faculty of Mathematics, Athens, Greece

Hobbies & Interests




My Business and Personal Philosophy

As an officer and as a business leader I always wanted to have happy people around me. My main effort was to make them believe in the project success, to trust each other and work in an environment where their basic motivation will be the joy of creation, the feeling of success and the security of their status.

Motivate people
Work for yourself, work to be happy

There is a magic recipy that ensures the success of every project. The combination of visionary inspiration and realistic action. The vision of a project is the generic source of success, but realistic planning and acting is the stepping stone that guarantee the succesful outcome.

Realism and Vision
Develop visionary and innovative projects with realism

Knowledge is a non stop process. There is always something new, there will be always pieces of knowledge that we need. As a businessman, one of my main efforts is the continoous education, to study everything that makes me better. I do ispire me teammates, my fellow players to follow the path of knowledge, This is the key of oppening every door on business and this is the source of self estime and strong belief in our capabilities.

Continoous training and education
There is always space for more knowledge, for more experience to get

My attidute against modern management is that a manager who wishes to be succesful and have a strong footprint in whatever is doing needs to be as mush proactive as possible. Furthermore, personal reliability is a "bulding" effort and hard work so that it can provide the teams with the feeling of security and trust to their manager.

Proactive and reliable management
A lot to consider, a lot to do before the event a few to face after it

Whatever outcome is released out of a project, service or product, needs to be shared with the potential clients, customers or users. My method is unique and simple. Use all marketing resources, use everypossible marketing mean to advertise and determine that people will ask for it. Inform everyone you know, in a short time, about the advantages, the solutions and innovation that the product or service may bring.

Aggresive sales strategy
Sales is the key factor for every enterprise to be suuccesful, no time to loose, a lot of tools to use

Technology is important, is the key that opens the future. I count on tech for bringing up efficient solutions, effective and low cost services and save money and time from customers, partners and teammates.

Technology is the critical tool
Stepping forward is a matter of survival, technnology can guaratnee a fast and safe route

Publications - Presentations - Articles

Operational Games: The War Games Evolution?

Gaming is a very old story. Children are playing games for fun and learning. Elder people are playing games for spending their spare time, people in productive ages are playing games for lots of reasons, including fun and business.

Cadets’ Training and Simulation

In most countries, cadets, after 2, 3, or 4 years of military training and academic education become officers. After a second round of training, as officers, they usually get a specialization or /and a set of useful skills for meeting the needs of their position and their future mission as small units leaders.

Human Behaviour Simulation

Human behaviour consists of a great number of complex parameters which, most of times cannot be easily predicted. Because of this complexity and...

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Gorgopotamou 2, 15772
Zografou, Athens

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